Process Agent (English Law)
London Central Services can be your process agent and can act as process agent for court actions and proceedings, receive documents in connection with arbitration proceedings and more.

London Central Services can be your process agent and can:
- Act as process agent for court actions and proceedings
- Receive documents in connection with arbitration proceedings
- Receive notices under contracts on behalf of transaction parties.
We can provide service of process for transactions where a process agent in England is needed. Examples are:
- Loan agreements (LMA or bespoke)
- ISDA Master Agreements (section 13.c)
- Leasing agreements
- Inter-creditor agreements
- Other agreements where a process agent is needed.

To appoint us as your process agent, please choose from the following options:
Option A:
Appointment for one agreement/document, invoiced annually (annual fee of 130 GBP, see appointment form for details)
- Complete the appointment form Single-Agreement-Appointment-Form (ongoing)
- E-mail, fax or mail the appointment form to us
- We issue our counter-signed agreement
Option B:
Appointment for multiple agreements, invoiced annually (base fee 100 GBP p.a. plus fee per agreement 30 GBP p.a., see appointment form for details)
- Complete the appointment form Multiple-Agreement-Appointment-Form
- E-mail, fax or mail the appointment form to us
- We issue our counter-signed agreement
- At any time, notify us of an additional agreement to be covered using the notification form attached to the appointment form
Option C:
Appointment for one agreement/document, invoiced upfront (GBP 130 for one year, with discounts for longer maturities, see appointment form for details)
- Complete the appointment form Appointment Form
- E-mail, fax or mail the appointment form to us
- We issue our counter-signed agreement
General information on the role of a process agent for English law transactions can be found here.
Please note: We do not provide a business correspondence address or general mail-forwarding services.
For any questions please call +44 208 244 0188, or contact
Information in other languages:
Mandarin-Chinese: Information / Appointment Form